OsiriX Plugin Tutorial
NOTE: My previous group software webpage can be found here
OsiriX Plugins
•DCE Tool is a quantitative analysis software tool for dynamic contrast enhanced MRI (DCE-MRI)
•B1 Map is an image analysis tool that enables estimating B1 field inhomogeneity using either Bloch-Siegert shift or double angle method (DAM)
•Fusion Tool allows combining two 4D viewers. When combing two viewers, you can limit slice numbers and temporal points for original and dragged viewers
•Custom 4D Viewer allows customizing the 4D viewer
•Quality Assessment allows computing RMSE (root mean squared error) and MSSIM (mean structural similarity index map) between two images
LCAMP is an implementation of the algorithms and examples described in the paper:
•K Sung, BL Daniel, BA Hargreaves. LCAMP: Location Constrained Approximate Message Passing for Compressed Sensing MRI. Magn. Reson. Med. 2013; 70:370-381 (JRNL)
MATLAB Code / Example
HiSub CS is an implementation of the algorithms and examples described in the paper:
•K Sung, BA Hargreaves. High-Frequency Subband Compressed Sensing MRI using Quadruplet Sampling. Magn. Reson. Med. 2013; 70: 1306–1318 (JRNL)
HiSub (High-Frequency Subband) CS
LCAMP (Location Constrained Approximate Message Passing)